This article is all about Design Principles.

Why do we need Software Design Principles?

These are the principles that should be used to avoid a bad software design.

Properties of Object Oriented language

  1. Encapsulation – It refers to packing of data and functions into a single component . This is done in the class.
  2. Data Hiding – Data cannot be manipulated or read directly. It needs getter and setter methods to read the member variables.
  3. Abstraction – With the help of interfaces, it hides the inner complexity, and only the public interfaces are available to the outside world. This is called Abstraction.
  4. Dynamic binding – With the help of V-table, a linking of function happens at run-time. Also, it is called run-time polymorphism. Or you can say it is late binding.
  5. Inheritance – It is the feature to re-use a particular class.
  6. Polymorphism – An ability of an object, function, and operator to take many forms is called polymorphism. Early binding/compile time polymorphism. These are classified as the following. a)Method overloading. : A behaviour may vary based on the input data type. b)Operator Overloading : An operation may vary based on the instance. With the aid of polymorphism, you program in a generic way and not a specific way. Thus, you decouple the code. For example, using interface to refer to the specific/concrete class makes the code loosely coupled. Drawbacks of a tightly coupled code? a. Rigidity – Basically, it means tightly coupled. When you change one piece of code, everything needs to be changed. b. Fragility – Since a code is tightly coupled, one change can lead to break of the entire system. So, code is very fragile and is succumbed to the break down of entire system. c. Immobility – Since it is tightly coupled, it cannot be re-used by other application.

Object Orient ed Design Principles are called “SOLID“.

SOLID stands for –

a. S – Single Responsibility.
b. O – Open Closed.
c. L – LISKOV Substitution.
d. I – Interface Segregation.
e. D – Dependency Inversion.

Single Responsibility Principle (SRP) – It states that each class should have a single responsibility, and the responsibility should be encapsulated. A class should address/focus only one concern. For example, a class responsibility is used to fetch the data. Other class responsibility is to process the data. The class shouldn’t club the two responsibilities into one class – fetching the data and processing of the data. With this, you decouple the code. Also, the test cycle can be reduced depending on the changes done. Thus, you reduce the risk of any software changes by apprehending the possible cause.

(Polymorphism)Open/Closed Principle (OCP) – It states that classes and methods should be allowed for extension. However, they shouldn’t be allowed for modification.This is mainly related to inheritance – code re-usability. Here, the abstract interface can be re-used/extend through inheritance. However, the existing implementation is closed for modification. At the same time, the new implementation for the interface can be done – ext ension. By religiously following this principle, we avoid the repetitive tasks like – code review and unit-test for the well proven code.

LISKOV Substitution Principle (LSP) – It states that the object should be replaceable with its subtype without altering the base class. This principle helps to identify whether inheritance is really applicable or not . You may mistakenly think that the part icular object is a type of an object . However, the litmus test for inheritance is by applying LISKOV substitution. In short , when you identify that there is a need to change the base class in order to do the inheritance, then you violate ‘LISKOV Substitution Principle.’ Here is a classic example taken from Stack overflow – In mathematics, a square is a kind of a rectangle, whose sides are equal. Since you read “is a” relationship, a first thought comes in mind is inheritance. However, the square doesn’t need to set height and width separately. In square, setting one side is enough. Thus, you cannot sub-class rectangle as square. According to LSV, if a base class cannot be replaced with a sub-class then we should not use inheritance. In short , we should use inheritance based on behaviour(verb – action/methods ) and not based on properties(member variables/noun). In my opinion, if you cannot reuse many existing methods of a base class, then sub-classing is meaningless. Also, if there is any need to change a base class to accommodate a sub-class, then question yourself – “Is inheritance really applicable here.” Generally, the answer is no.

Interface Segregation Principle (ISP) – It states that a client should not depend on the methods that they don’t use. Again, this is related to inheritance, we should not have a polluted or fat interfaces, which means that the interface shouldn’t have methods that are unrelated or not required. We shouldn’t clutter the interface class with the methods, which are not related to the interface/class responsibility. Otherwise the class, which will implement the interface, has to unnecessary implement the un-related methods. The methods, which are not related should be in the other interface. Thus, it is all about interface segregation.

[Example] – Here is a short program – ” the method get DttInfo() is not related to contentMgr”. Thus, we have a separate interface for getting DttInfo(). This program shows that the interface is segregated. There are two separate interfaces – IcontentMgr and IdttInfo rather than combining the functionality into one interface. Here the interface is segregated as the methods are unrelated. The two interface classes are IdttInfo and IcontentMgr. The IdttInfo is all about the dtt information. The IcontentMgr is all about content . They are both unrelated, and they should have a separate interface.

class IdttInfo
    virtual bool isDttSupported() = 0;

class serviceMgrDttInfo:public IdttInfo
      virtual bool isDttSupported()
  return true;


class IcontentMgr
      virtual std::string getClassName() = 0;

class serviceContentMgr: public IcontentMgr
      IdttInfo * p_mDttInfo;
      virtual std::string getClassName()
  return "serviceContentMgr";
serviceContentMgr(IdttInfo * pDttInfo):p_mDttInfo(pDttInfo)


int main()
  IdttInfo * pDttInfo = new serviceMgrDttInfo;
  IcontentMgr * pContentMgr = new serviceContentMgr(pDttInfo);
  return 0;

Dependency Inversion Principle ( DIP) - This principle states that the high level module shouldn’t depend on the low level modules directly. Instead, a high level class should use interface class of a low level class in order to abstract the direct call to a low level class. With the aid of this principle, we decouple the software modules. When you decouple the modules, the maintenance becomes easier. This principle should only be applied when you think that the code can change in future. However, when you know that the code may not change in future, there is no point of creating an extra class i.e. Interface class for every class.

High Level Classes -> Abstraction via. Interface class of a Low Level Class -> Low Level Classes

This brings an end to the topic of Design Principles/Concepts in OOPs.